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Nous accueillons :
Bruno Borge, chercheur associé au Conseil national de la recherche scientifique et technique (CONICET), professeur associé de philosophie des sciences à la faculté de philosophie et de lettres de l'université de Buenos Aires et actuellement chercheur invité du programme DEA de la Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme à HiPhiMo.
Il nous donnera la conférence suivante :
Lakatos on the Metaphysics and Epistemology of Laws of Nature 
This talk explores Lakatos's view on laws of nature to resolve the tension between fallibilism and epistemological optimism in his philosophy. Drawing from published and unpublished works, I argue that Lakatos's perspective on laws reconciles this tension by combining epistemic realism with fallibilism. He asserts that only infinite universal statements can be true due to the universe's infinite variety.
I propose interpreting Lakatos's ideas as Moderate Nomological Realism (MNR), which accounts for our incomplete understanding of natural laws while maintaining that knowledge growth approaches truth. This interpretation aims to provide a coherent framework preserving Lakatos's fallibilism and optimism while engaging with contemporary discussions on laws of nature.