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Journée d'étude

Workshop Wittgenstein + PhilMath

Financed by a grant awarded by the Research Council of Norway.

Panelists: Marianna Antonutti Marfori (Paris), Severin Schroeder (Reading/Oxford), Benedict Eastaugh (Warwick), David Waszek (ENS Paris)


13h - 14h15  Pierre Fasula (Paris) The Mathematician as a Normative Animal 

14h20 - 15h35  Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen (Univ. of Southern Denmark) Perspicuous Overviews of the Moral? Wittgenstein and Descriptive Moral Theories

Coffee break

15h50 - 17h05  Kevin Cahill (Bergen) Wittgensteinian Political Quietism 

17h10 - 18h25  Sorin Bangu (Bergen) Wittgenstein on Assimilationism, Scientism and Mathematics 

19h30 Conference dinner (restaurant tba) 

Friday 28 June

9h45 Coffee 

10h - 11h15  Alex Paseau (Oxford) What Past Mathematicians Talked About When They Talked About Mathematics 

11h20 - 12h35  Rob Knowles (Swansea) The Problem of Mathematical Explanation
Lunch (tba)

14h35 - 15h50  Francesca Poggiolesi(Paris) Mathematical Explanations: An Analysis Via Formal Proofs and Conceptual Complexity 

16h00 End of workshop